🚀 Launch your agency and Chatbot services with AI and WhatsApp MarketingDownload Ebook

Connect with your customers through our phone system

Provide your customers with a voice channel to help meet their needs.

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Increase your customer satisfaction rates with our phone system.

Our phone system is in the cloud and accessible directly from our platform without physical devices.

Call recording

You can record your agents' calls to review their interactions.

Call redirection

Don't limit calls to a single agent; redirect them to the appropriate departments.


Make and receive calls easily

With Plazbot, you can have a cloud-configured number for customers to call directly.

  • Outbound calls
  • Inbound calls
  • Call redirection
  • Extension setup
  • Call recording
  • Call reports

Build accessible communication channels for your customers

IP telephony is a communication channel where your customers can obtain direct information, fostering trust and potential sales. Calls can be especially helpful for people who have more confidence in voice channels than chat-based conversations.

  • 82%

    Companies report savings when migrating to the cloud.

  • 15

    Countries where Plazbot is available and expanding.

  • 1M

    Minutes of VoIP executed on our platform.

  • 50%

    Cost savings by switching to VoIP technology


Frequently Asked Questions

Solve all your doubts before implementing our platform in your company, transparency and trust are important to be able to work together. Likewise, you have all our support, if you have any questions you may have by writing to

1. Does Plazbot provide phone numbers for my company?

Yes, we can manage phone numbers for your company and assist with the configuration of your phone system. Keep in mind that number porting is also possible, but it may take longer to implement and require certain documentation.

2. Is there a cost for VoIP implementation and configuration?

Yes, we have a one-time initial setup cost of $100 USD to establish extensions, the phone system, and phone numbering.

3. How long does it take to configure VoIP?

Configuration typically takes between 3 to 5 days following payment.

4. Can I record my agents' calls and listen to them later?

Yes, the platform can record all calls with unlimited storage, allowing you to use them for historical reference and listen to your agents' calls.
